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Petition Signers in Utah
413 Signers out of 31,487 Total in US
Terry Ahlquist, Marvin E. Allen, Merrill P. Allen, Victor Dean Allred, PhD, Raul C. Alva, D. Andersen, Russell Anderson, Wilbert C. Anderson, M. B. Andrus, PhD, Melvin B. Armstrong, Kenny Ashby, John R. Atkinson, D. Austin, PhD, Lloyd H. Austin, Robert J. Baczuk, Jay M. Bagley, PhD, R. E. Bailey, Ramon Condie Baird, PhD, Roger E. Banner, PhD, Mark Owens Barlow, M. D. Barnes, PhD, Howard F. Bartlett, Mark R. Bartlett, PhD, T. David Bastian, Joseph Clair Batty, PhD, Ken L. Beatty, Peggy Beatty, Albert I. Beazer, Boyd R. Beck, PhD, Merrill W. Beckstead, PhD, Blake D. Beckstrom, Gregory J. Bell, Alvin Benson, PhD, Wesley George Bentrude, PhD, David Alan Berges, PhD, John A. Bianucci, Kip A. Billings, Robert F. Bitner, MD, Jan Bjernfalk, Clyde Blauer, Douglas Bledsoe, Lori Blum, Jerry C. Bommer, PhD, Blair E. Bona, PhD, Jay Frank Bonell, P. R. Borgmeier, PhD, David Borronam, John F. Boyle, MD, Bruce Bradley, Ernest T. Bramwell, William W. Brant, Kennethe Martin Brauner, PhD, Thomas O. Breitling, Lynn H. Bringhurst, H. Smith Broadbent, PhD, Frederick N. Broberg, Boyd C. Bronson, Billings Brown, PhD, John N. Brown, Arthur D. Bruno, Shawn P. Buchanan, Wallace Don Budge, PhD, Mark D. Bunnell, David D. Busath, MD, Clinton Bybee, Charles H. Cameron, Earl E. Castner, Thomas U. Chace, Norman L. Challburg, MD, Kenneth W. Chase, PhD, Norman Jerry Chatterton, PhD, Joseph A. Chenworth, Allen D. Child, Joseph G. Christensen, Jay P. Christofferson, PhD, John C. Clegg, PhD, Calvin Geary Clyde, PhD, Ralph L. Coates, PhD, Richard M. Cohen, PhD, Don J. Colton, Jack Comeford, PhD, Melvin Alonzo Cook, PhD, Michael L. Cosgrave, MD, Robert E. Covington, Mac Crosby, Larry D. Culberson, PhD, Gary Monroe Cupp, Lowell C. Dahl, Donald Albert Dahlstrom, PhD, Jonathan H. Daines, MD, Leland P. Davis, Robert Elliott Davis, PhD, Tom Dawson, Karl Devenport, MD, C. Nelson Dorny, PhD, Andrew Drake, Bryan B. Drennan, David A Duncan, William S. Dunford, MD, William R. Edgel, PhD, Allan C. Edson, George Eisenman, MD, George L. Eitel, David A. Eldredge Jr., Mark T Ellis, Robert W. English, Norman T. Erekson, PhD, Jerry A. Erickson, PhD, Creed M. Evans, MD, Jeff Farrer, PhD, W. Dale Felix, PhD, David Feller, PhD, David Allan Firmage, Thomas H. Fletcher, PhD, Gerald W. Foess, PhD, Paul V. Fonnesbeck, PhD, Grant Robert Fowles, PhD, Richard L. Frost, PhD, Norihiko Fukuta, PhD, Ron Fuller, Blair O. Furner, Michael Aaron Gabrielson, Charles O. Gale, Lynn E. Garner, PhD, S. Parkes Gay Jr., Mark G. Gessel, Thon T. Gin, PhD, George P. Gowans, Fred L. Greer, MD, K. Greer, Glen Griffin, MD, Robert W Griffiths, MD, Richard W. Grow, PhD, Pamela Grubaugh-Littig, Michel B. Guinn, Robert L. Haffner, Peter H Hahn, Edward H. Hahne, David R Hall, Bill A. Hancock, Dallas Hanks, Darrell G. Hansen, Wayne R. Hansen, Larry R. Hardy, Ellis D. Harris, Franklin S Harris Jr., PhD, Ronald L. Harris, Scott E. Hartwig, William Joshua Haslem, Scott E. Hassett, Stuart Havenstrite, Ralph W. Hayes, Creed Haymond, Dale G. Heaton, Lavell Merl Henderson, PhD, Deloy G. Hendricks, PhD, R. Dahl Hendrickson, James O. Henrie, Lyle G. Hereth, Charles Selby Herrin, PhD, John C. Higgins, PhD, Archie Clyde Hill, PhD, Allen E. Hilton II, Clifford M. Hinckley, PhD, Robert L. Hobson, PhD, Grant Holdaway, David E. Holt, M. I. Horton, PhD, Ralph M. Horton, PhD, Frederick A. Hottes, Clayton Shirl Huber, PhD, J. Poulson Hunter, MD, Harvey L. Hutchinson, Kyle Jackson, Daniel J. Janney, August Wilhelm Jaussi, PhD, Brian Jensen, L. Carl Jensen, Layne D. Jensen, Leland V. Jensen, Marcus Martin Jensen, PhD, Arlo F. Johnson, PhD, Owen W. Johnson, PhD, Todd Johnson, PhD, Von D. Jolley, PhD, Percy C. Jonat, MD, Merrell Robert Jones, PhD, Walter V. Jones, John Jonkman, Royce A. Jorgensen, Mark Kaschmitter, Stephen Jorgensen Kelsey, PhD, Boyd M. Kitchen, PhD, Kenneth T. Klebba, Frederick Charles Kohout, PhD, David L. Kooyman, PhD, Steven K. Koski, William B. Laker, Burton B. Lamborn, Dale G. Larsen, Lloyd D Larsen, PhD, Robert Paul Larsen, PhD, Robert W. Leake, Charles Lear, Gregory L. LeClaire, David J. Lee*, James Norman Lee, PhD, William Orvid Lee, PhD, Lawrence Guy Lewis, PhD, Stephen Liddle, PhD, Thomas W. Lloyd, Wilburn L. Luna, Mark Wylie Lund, PhD, Charles P. Lush, Joseph L. Lyon, MD, William E. Maddex, Robert K. Maddock, Jules J. Magda, PhD, Robert F. Malouf, Kenneth A. Mangelson, PhD, Brent P. Marchant, Eugene Marshall, MD, John May, Vern T. May, D. Maynes, PhD, John McDonald, PhD, Susan O. McDonald, DVM, Timothy W. McGuire, Jeffrey D. Mckay, Cyrus Milo McKell, PhD, Jefferson D. McKenzie, Hugh A. McLean, Dick N. Mechem, Vincent J Memmott, John M Mercier, LaVere B Merritt, PhD, Daniel W. Miles, PhD, John G Miles, Gene W. Miller, PhD, Wade Elliott Miller II, PhD, Paul Mills, Bryant A. Miner, PhD, Terrence Mischler, PhD, Robert Alan Mole, J. Ward Moody, PhD, M. Lyman Moody, MD, Howard C Morrill, Kay S. Mortensen, PhD, William R. Mosby, Thomas C. Moseley, Loren Cameron Mosher, PhD, Alfred R. Motzkus, Glenn L. Mower, Harold W. Mulvany, Grant R. Murdoch, Donald L. Myrup, Dave Neale, Kenneth W. Nelson, Manfred R. Nelson, MD, Michael G. Nelson, PhD, Pamela Nelson, Gregg Nickel, Barry C Nielsen, Dennis M. Nielsen, Donald R. Nielsen, PhD, Edwin Clyde Nordquist, Robert E O'Neill, Robert Quincy Oaks Jr., PhD, Hayward B. Oblad, PhD, Leonard Olds, Larry S. Olsen, Merrill H. Olson, Ted Olson, Alfred M. Osborne, Robert Pack, PhD, Lowell L. Palm, Tom T. Paluso, Joseph M. Papenfuss, PhD, Gerald M. Park, Robert Lynn Park, PhD, Forest Parry, Robert Walter Parry, PhD, Ernest B. Paxson, PhD, Clifford C. Payton, Justin B. Peatross, PhD, Leslie H. Pennington, Danial L. Perry, Jay D. Peterson, Randall D. Peterson, Jay W. Phippen, PhD, David Pierson, Paul E. Pilgram, MD, Michael L. Pinnell, Charles H. Pitt, PhD, William G. Pitt, PhD, Gary F. Player, Steven J. Postma, Bradley M. Powell, John D. Prater, Jim S. Priskos, Frederick Dan Provenza, PhD, Kenneth Puchlik, Ronald J. Pugmire, PhD, Samuel C. Quigley, Francis Rakow, Carole A. Ray, Jory Ty Redd, PhD, Donal J. Reed, PhD, Alvin C. Rencher, PhD, Brian W. Rex, Max J. Reynolds, Michael D. Rice, PhD, Lynn S Richards, PhD, Gary Haight Richardson, PhD, Harold W. Ritchey, PhD, Samuel P. Roberts, Alden C. Robinson, Clay W. Robinson, DVM, T. F. Robinson, PhD, Lee E. Rogers, DVM, William C. Romney, Simpson Roper, Harold L. Rosenhan, Charles Ross, George W. Sandberg, LeRoy J. Sauter, Keith Jerome Schaiger, PhD, Ernest F. Scharkan, Edward B. Schoppe, Spencer L. Seager, PhD, Richard C Sharp, Glen M. Sheppard, MD, W. Kenneth Sherk, Jay G. Shields, Charles W. Shoun, Richard Phil Shumway, PhD, Val E. Simmons, PhD, David Michael Sipe, PhD, Duane Sjoberg, Ross A. Smart, DVM, Robert B Smith, Tracy W. Smith, Leonard W Snellman, PhD, Richard L Snow, PhD, Phillip T. Solomon, Carl D. Sorensen, PhD, Wesley K. Sorensen, Brent A. Sorenson, Forrest L. Staffanson, PhD, Kent C. Staheli, Norman E. Stauffer, PhD, K. S. Stevens, PhD, Gene M Stevenson, Leo M. Stevenson, MD, Kenneth J. Stracke, Glen Evan Stringham, PhD, William J. Strong, PhD, Calvin K. Sudweeks, Robert Summers, PhD, Richard Swenson, B. A. Tait, PhD, Carlos Tavares, Doug Taylor, James S. Taylor, PhD, Lester Taylor, Randall L. Taylor, Richard Tebbs, Abraham Teng, PhD, Lawrence E. Thatcher, John D. Thirkill, Don Wylie Thomas, PhD, James H. Thomas, PhD, Grant Thompson, PhD, Philip Thompson, Richard M. Thorup, PhD, Richard N. Thwaitis, PhD, Rudy W. Tietze, Terry L Tippets, David O. Topham, Anthony R. Torres, MD, Del Traveller, J. Paul Tullis, PhD, George Uhlig, PhD, Richard M. Vennett, PhD, John M. Viehweg, Charles T. Vono, William Vorkink, PhD, John W. Vosskuhler, MD, Kathleen L. Wegener, Joseph C. Wells Jr., Lewis F. Wells, Eleroy H. West, D. R. Westenskow, PhD, Edward B. Whicker, Brent L. White, Lowell D. White, PhD, Thomas G. White, Leslie Whitton, PhD, Harry E. Wickes, PhD, Clifford Lavar Wilcox, PhD, David P. Wilding, W. Vincent Wilding, PhD, Bill Beauford Wiley, PhD, Charles Ronald Willden, PhD, Arnold Wilson, PhD, Byron J. Wilson, PhD, Stephen E. Wilson, Robert J. Wise, John K Wood, PhD, Jack L. Woods, Richard E. Wyman, Thomas B. Yeager, Glen A. Zumwalt